Fraternal Greetings
and Welcome to the
Official Home Page
of the
The De Molay
Mark Master Lodge #2, Ohio

8922 Brecksvill Rd.,
Cleveland Ohio 44141

RWM Randy A. Williams
Phone: (740) 974-4748

For Information Contact:
Phil Bade Secretary

********** REMINDER **********
The first meeting of the capitular year for the DeMolay Mark Master Lodge will be on Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at Brecksville Masonic Temple (8922 Brecksville Rd, Cleveland, OH 44141). Right Worshipful Master Randy Williams start the meeting at 7:30pm.

The meeting will cover the usual business that has accumulated since our last meeting in June. I will also provide an update on 2024/2025 dues collection. In addition, we will be discussing purchase of new Mark Master Lodge “pennies”. The last batch of 300 pennies was purchased in 1987 and we are down to our last (5) and considering investing in a new batch. Lastly, the Lodge Education Officer (yours truly) will be offering a presentation on “Internet Bad Guys, how to recognize and avoid them”.

I have attached a copy of the minutes 2024-06-25 – Minutes.pdf from the June meeting. Please review prior to the meeting as we will not be reading them during the Lodge meeting.

We’re looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday, October 29 at 7:30!

Phil Bade

Secretary, DeMolay Mark Master Lodge #2

DeMolay Mark Master Lodge #2, chartered in 1982, was created by Dad Merlin Meredith as a pathway to introduce York Rite Masonry to Senior DeMolays who had continued into the Masonic fraternity, and to give them additional opportunities to build on the friendships created in the Order of DeMolay and to support DeMolay in Ohio.

is open to Senior DeMolays and current DeMolays who are also Master Masons. We only confer one degree, the degree of Mark Master.
We meet quarterly at the Brecksville Masonic Temple.
We offer membership to Master Masons who are Active or Senior DeMolays for a $10.00 petition fee. If they are already a member of a Royal Arch Chapter, we offer an affiliation option for a $10.00 petition fee. Annual dues are $10.00 regardless of Mark Master or Royal Arch Mason. Members and petitioners are also offered the option of purchasing a Life Membership for $120.00 plus the current years’ dues.

Mark-Lodge-Petition-rev-03-01-2023F FILLABLE.pdf

Contact: Phil Bade Secretary 216-312-3660